Virtual CIO

What is a Virtual CIO?

Business technology initiatives tend to be a lower priority among CXO’s in the boardroom. However, these projects should be considered a higher priority, since IT services affect employee productivity and company growth. An IT executive, such as a CIO, can bring in much-needed IT expertise into the boardroom.

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Desktop as a Service

What is Desktop as a Service?

Millennials are the largest share of the American workforce. One of their top requests is for an improved work/life balance. These workers would like to spend more time with their children, live in a less expensive area, and avoid long commutes to work. Technology provides them an opportunity to complete their work duties away from the office.

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You Should Get a Password Manager

Trying to remember all your passwords can be inconvenient. Many people will use unsafe memorization methods, including using the same password for every website and writing passwords down on a piece of paper. Also, some professionals will exchange passwords back and forth by email. Even worse, others will even use easy-to-guess passwords.

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Unified Communications

How does Unified Communications Work?

Unified Communications delivers a simpler way for you to get in touch with your contacts. It provides access to your voice, email, instant messaging, fax, and conferencing systems in a single platform. For instance, you can check your work email from your own cell phone or use your laptop computer to make a conference call.

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Malvertising: The Hidden Threat

Cybercriminals are inserting malicious code into online advertising to infect unsuspecting website visitors. Unlike malicious ads of the past, they don’t need to be clicked on but simply shown to the visitor. Then, the visitors will find their computers are infected with malware that can slow down devices, record keystrokes, and encrypt files.

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What is a NOC?

The Network Operations Center (NOC), pronounced “knock,” is considered the Central Nervous System of an MSP’s operations. NOCs focus on monitoring and managing the operations of hardware devices, software operating systems, and applications. They also ensure constant uptime of services and respond proactively to issues that may arise.

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