Anywhere access to cloud applications
In today’s business world, many employees are not just working in the office. They are working at home, on the go, and while traveling. They must be able to access their productivity tools from anywhere and on their desktop, smartphone, and tablet. Luckily, these workplace applications are now available on the cloud for a low month-to-month rate.
Examples of Work Activity Use
Tools Available:




File Sharing

Instant Messaging

Audio Calls

Video Chat

Features Included:
Outlook Web Access (OWA) for Hosted Exchange
Distribution Lists
Protocol support for POP, IMAP, RPC/MAPI
Mailbox Storage
Global Address List
Third Party Extensions
Hosted Exchange
Office 365
G Suite
Anywhere access to your work
Easy to share files with colleagues
99.9% guaranteed backup
Constant updates to features and security
Professional company presence
Simple to run online meetings
Can grow with business
SwiftTech Solutions will help your staff set up either Office 365 or G Suite for Business on all their work devices.
For more information, call SwiftTech Solutions at 877-794-3811 or email info@swifttechsolutions.com.