Secure document storage
As employees are bringing their work home and on the go, they’ve started using consumer-style cloud services, such as Dropbox, to store files for easy later access. While this service is convenient, it is not a highly secure and encrypted solution. Therefore, the services can lead to leaked, stolen, or destroyed data. This can be very problematic if the industries you work in are subject to regulatory requirements, such as in healthcare or accounting. Fortunately, your staff can get the convenience of anywhere file management combined with powerful security.

Services Offered
Microsoft SharePoint
A web portal for storing, organizing, sharing, and accessing information.
File Sharing Applications
Browser-based, encrypted, and policy managed programs
SwiftTech Solutions will help your company set up File Management Systems. For more information, call SwiftTech Solutions at 877-794-3811 or email info@swifttechsolutions.com.