Business Technology Analysis10 things to consider when designing a website

In this digitized era, having a website is essential for any business. A website can provide an additional marketing channel and help broaden your customer base. However, designing a website that works well for you and your customers is no easy task. There are many things to consider when creating a successful website.

Here are 10 areas to focus on when designing a website

1) Purpose of the Website

Is the website meant to provide information, promote a product or service, or generate leads? Knowing the purpose of your website will help you determine the type of content you need, the structure of your navigation, and the type of design that best meets your target audience’s needs.

2) Target Audiences

Who will visit your website? Knowing who they are and the content they are looking for helps you design a website that meets their needs. Consider including language, images, and content that resonates with the types of people who will visit your site.

3) Message of the Website

What is the message of your website? Are you trying to express a certain mood, tell a story, or convey an idea? Knowing your message will help you determine ways to use visuals, text, and other elements to get the message across.

4) Visual Appeal

Your website should be visually appealing and easy to look at. Consider using colors that complement one another and make sure there is adequate white space between sections. Also, pay attention to fonts and legibility – too many different fonts are distracting.

5) Navigation

Your website should be easy to navigate so users can easily find the content they are looking for. Consider setting up an intuitive navigation menu and include links to the most important pages such as the about page, contact page, etc.

6) Marketing and SEO

Design your website with marketing and SEO in mind. This means making sure to optimize your titles, meta descriptions, tags, and alt texts for your target keywords. It also means having a consistent focus on driving traffic to your site through various marketing channels. A well-structured SEO Strategy can help to drive more traffic and in return generate leads.

7) Mobile Responsive

More people are using mobile devices to access websites. Therefore, your website must respond to different device sizes. Make sure the website elements adjust accordingly when viewed on a smartphone or tablet.

8) Accessibility

Making sure your website is accessible to everyone is a key factor to consider in web design. Ensure screen readers can easily read the content and the design is intuitive for those with disabilities.

9) Content

Content is king – make sure that your website has quality content that is relevant to the topic, easy to read, and interesting. Update your content periodically so it stays fresh and engaging for visitors.

10) Security & Testing

When designing a website, it is vital to ensure the site is secure and all elements function properly. This means having a good hosting provider, installing the necessary security measures, and testing all aspects of it. This includes testing functionality on different browsers, devices, and operating systems plus running usability tests with real users. Also, it is wise to keep track of user feedback through surveys or other methods.


Designing a website requires careful thought and attention to detail. Consider all the factors mentioned above. Also, any specific requirements you may have for your business when planning out your website design. With some thoughtful consideration, you can create an effective and engaging website that helps you reach your goals.