sextortion emails

Scam Alert – Sextortion Emails

Scammers are sending sextortion emails. They say they’ve been spying on your computer activities and have photos of you viewing intimate content. Then, the scammer says they will release the footage to your contacts unless you pay them a fee of at least $800. If you receive sextortion emails, follow these tips.

Attorney Impersonation Emails

Scam Alert – Attorney Impersonation Emails

If you are in the middle of a lawsuit, watch out for impersonated attorney emails. Hackers are targeting law firms with wire scam emails and stealing thousands of dollars in client settlement funds. Cybercriminals are sending these scam emails to the different people involved in legal proceedings including law firm employees, clients, and banks.

Business email compromise

How Business Email Compromise Attacks Work

Business Email Compromise attacks involve cybercriminals sending an email pretending to be a trusted source. The cybercriminals will request funds, account numbers, and confidential information. Attack examples include bogus invoice schemes, CEO fraud, account compromise, attorney impersonation, and data and W-2 theft.


Cryptojacking: The Latest Major Cyber Threat

Cryptojacking is defined as the unauthorized use of someone’s computer to mine cryptocurrency. The rise in cryptojacking activities is largely due to the increase in the value of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. According to McAfee Labs, the count of total coin miner malware rose by 629% in Q1 of 2018 alone, to more than 2.9 million samples.

office 365 password theft

Scam Alert – Microsoft 365 Password Theft

There has been an increase in phishing emails to our customers pretending to be from Office 365. These scams are designed to trick users into sending their usernames and passwords to untrusted sources. Cyber thieves can use your email account to conduct fraudulent activities and steal funds from your business.

cryptocurrency cyber scams

Watch Out For Cryptocurrency Cyber Scams

A cryptocurrency is an anonymous digital currency tracked in an online public ledger. To investors, each initial coin offering (ICO) of a new cryptocurrency may be the moment they strike it rich. Sadly, the hype over cryptocurrency investing is another chance for con artists to steal money from people.

Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week

Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week

The IRS’s tax filing season is a prime time for identity thieves to steal money. The FTC states that tax identity theft occurs, “…when a person uses someone else’s Social Security number to either file a tax return and claim the victim’s refund, or to earn wages that are reported as the victim’s income, leaving the victim with the tax bill.”

Signs your computer is infected

Signs Your Computer is Infected

Imagine you’re working on an important project with a tight deadline. Sadly, your computer is running much slower than usual. You’re waiting a long time just to open a PowerPoint presentation. You begin to ask yourself, “Does my computer have a virus?” The following are some obvious signs to look out for.