CybersecurityVPN vs. ZTNA

The rise of remote work made secure access to company data and systems critical. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have long been the standard choice for secure remote access. However, Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is gaining traction as a modern alternative. It provides improved security in today’s complex digital environment.

Virtual Private Network

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) creates a secure, encrypted connection (or tunnel) between a user’s device and the corporate network. Consequently, this allows remote employees to access company resources as if they were on the local network. Moreover, this seamless connectivity enhances productivity and ensures data security.

Strengths of VPN:

  • Widespread Adoption: VPNs are well-established and widely used, making them a familiar solution for IT departments and employees.
  • Simplicity: VPNs are straightforward to implement and use; moreover, they often require just a client application on the user’s device.
  • Secure Data Transmission: VPNs provide robust encryption, ensuring data transmitted between the user and the corporate network remains secure.

Weaknesses of VPN:

  • Network-Based Trust Model: VPNs operate on the assumption that users within the network are trustworthy. This can create security risks in case of a device compromise, as it can potentially access the entire network.
  • Scalability Issues: Managing and scaling VPN infrastructure for a large, distributed workforce can be complex and resource-intensive.
  • Performance: VPNs can introduce latency and bandwidth limitations. They can impact the performance of applications and user experience.

Zero Trust Network Access

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a security framework based on the principle of “never trust, always verify.” Unlike VPNs, ZTNA grants access to specific applications or resources rather than the entire network.

Strengths of ZTNA:

  • Granular Access Control: ZTNA enforces strict access policies. It allows users to access only the resources they need, minimizing the attack surface.
  • Contextual Security: Access decisions are based on multiple factors, including user identity, device health, and location. This ensures only authenticated and authorized users can connect.
  • Scalability: ZTNA solutions can scale easily, accommodating growing remote workforces without major overhauls to existing systems.
  • Improved User Experience: By optimizing traffic routes and reducing latency, ZTNA can enhance the performance of applications compared to traditional VPNs.

Weaknesses of ZTNA:

  • Complexity: Implementing ZTNA can be more complex than setting up a VPN. It requires detailed planning and integration with existing security frameworks.
  • Cost: ZTNA solutions can be more expensive initially due to the need for modern technologies and potential adjustments in IT infrastructure.

Comparing VPN and ZTNA


  • VPN: Provides encrypted tunnels but operates on a trust-based model. This potentially exposes the network in the event of a device compromise.
  • ZTNA: Offers a zero-trust approach, granting access based on strict verification. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

User Experience:

  • VPN: This can introduce latency and performance issues, particularly when scaling for large remote workforces.
  • ZTNA: Generally, offers better performance and user experience due to optimized traffic routing and reduced latency.


  • VPN: Scaling VPN infrastructure can be challenging and may use a lot of resources.
  • ZTNA: Designed for scalability, making it easier to manage access for growing remote teams.

Management and Maintenance:

  • VPN: Simpler to set up initially but can become inconvenient to manage at scale.
  • ZTNA: Requires more complex initial setup but offers streamlined management and maintenance, particularly for large organizations.

Choosing between VPN and ZTNA solutions depends on several factors. This includes the size of the organization, the complexity of the IT environment, security requirements, and budget considerations. VPNs might be suitable for smaller organizations or those with less complex security needs. They offer a tried-and-tested solution that is straightforward to implement and manage. ZTNA, on the other hand, is ideal for organizations prioritizing granular access control, scalability, and advanced security measures. It provides a robust solution for the modern workforce, ensuring secure access to resources regardless of location or device. By understanding the differences and carefully considering their unique needs, organizations can choose the right solution to secure their remote workers effectively.

Interested in setting up a VPN or ZTNA for your business? Contact SwiftTech Solutions by calling 877-794-3811 or emailing