mobile devices cybersecurity

Mobile Devices Can Threaten Your Cybersecurity

Business workers need to get the job done from anywhere with a mobile device, whether it’s to use email, the internet, apps, or GPS navigation. However, mobile device security is not keeping up with the latest cyber threats. Security breaches on these devices are becoming more common because of user popularity and careless security practices.


Evernote Employees Can Read Your Notes

Evernote is the go-to note-taking software for many office workers since it helps users stay organized and productive. However, the software firm started using machine learning tools and needs their employees to read your notes in order to improve these features. However, the improvement in user experience may come at the expense of your privacy.

Virtual CIO

What is a Virtual CIO?

Business technology initiatives tend to be a lower priority among CXO’s in the boardroom. However, these projects should be considered a higher priority, since IT services affect employee productivity and company growth. An IT executive, such as a CIO, can bring in much-needed IT expertise into the boardroom.

Desktop as a Service

What is Desktop as a Service?

Millennials are the largest share of the American workforce. One of their top requests is for an improved work/life balance. These workers would like to spend more time with their children, live in a less expensive area, and avoid long commutes to work. Technology provides them an opportunity to complete their work duties away from the office.