What is a Multi-Cloud Strategy?

As businesses grow and their needs change, they may find that a public cloud alone is no longer enough. In these cases, a multi-cloud strategy may be the best solution. This involves using multiple public clouds in addition to one or more private clouds. This can provide added security and performance guarantees.

8 Reasons to Use to the Cloud

8 Reasons to Use the Cloud

The cloud became an integral part of the business world over the past twenty years. Forbes Technology Council member, Marius Mihalec, states, “In 2020, if you are still evaluating whether to embrace cloud migration, you are already behind 90% of companies…” Here are eight reasons your company should consider using the cloud.

protect video meetings

Protect Your Video Meetings

Employees around the globe are working from home full-time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many are turning to programs like Zoom to meet online. However, cybercriminals see this trend as a new opportunity to attack people for profit. Therefore, you must protect these platforms so your company is safe from costly and embarrassing breaches.